Sunday, July 6, 2014

What I’m Watching: Rectify

Rectify: Season 2, Episode 3 “Charlie Darwin” (B+)

This show definitely doesn’t apologize for its pace, but I really think that it’s managed to earn that right since it continues to feature truly interesting developments, even if only a few of them transpire over the course of each hour. Daniel’s reentry back into society after waking up from his coma is a mesmerizing process to watch, since he exhibits such a fascination with the way things work around him with such an openness towards other people. Watching the tree fall and then going out to help his neighbor move it, a gesture that didn’t ultimately pan out, was surprisingly enthralling, and his sudden desire to help redo the kitchen was an interesting but understandable project suggestion. Without having gotten to know Daniel up until this point, it might have seemed strange for him to let his attacker off the hook, but his desire to only do right in the world so as not to cause anyone else pain or misery is perfectly in line with the way his character has been defined. Amantha, as ever, was furious about it, and somehow that rage manages to be compelling week after week. Ted, on the other hand, is demonstrating extraordinary restraint, coming up against wall after wall in his efforts to secure a loan for his big business idea, and though those around him are attempting to be rather supportive, a man can only take so much rejection and disappointment before he loses it and starts acting bitter and cruel to those he feels are allied against him.

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