Friday, July 11, 2014

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 7, Episode 3 “Fire in the Hole” (B)

This episode was a bit more put together, and certainly included its share of monumental developments. It’s exciting to see that Sarah Newlin is back since she’s been one of the show’s more consistent characters, plus it means a chance for the fabulous Anna Camp to play one of her more juicy roles. Unfortunately, her carefully-timed lovemaking was followed by the decapitation of her sexual partner and cult leader, and it seems that his murderers aren’t the only ones after her, since Eric seemed mighty eager to track her down when Pam revealed that she was alive. The flashback to Eric choosing his human over Pam was stirring, though not quite as much as the flashback to Bill’s family being photographed before the war by a Fortenberry. The early rescue of the imprisoned townsfolk by Jessica and Andy was a far too optimistic indicator of things to come, since Sam’s vampire colleague got blown away pretty quickly, and now he’s on the run too. Hoyt’s mom shooting Jessica wasn’t fatal for her target but did produce a surprisingly vengeful response from Violet, who just earlier was part of an entertaining conversation with Jason about adopting a child. James and Lafayette bonding was a treat, and I also find the reverend’s sermon to Willa very moving. The notion of Sookie literally being vampire bait is not surprising, and my favorite part of her time with Bill was their discussion of Six Flags. Alcide getting killed was a shock, and I guess it means that things are serious now and this is going to be one hell of a bloody final season.

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