Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 7, Episode 5 “Lost Cause” (B+)

I’m torn about this episode because, in some ways, it’s absurd, since Lafayette just decided to invite the town over immediately after Alcide’s death even though he knows they all hate Sookie and she doesn’t much like them either. What this episode did do well, however, was to start to tie things back together and acknowledge that the show is ending soon, returning to some of the show’s token tropes that it’s abandoned in recent seasons. Sarah’s vampire sister was a fabulous example, someone who got along so well with Eric and Pam because of her general attitude towards life and towards her sister. Subplots like Ginger begging Eric not to go without having sex with her are lighter entertainment, but there’s still a place for that. Sarah asking her mom to call Laura Bush was pure comedy gold, as were Eric and Pam’s outfits, but then the Yakuza showed up to make everything truly deadly. I think this show can be vicious and violent enough without needing to have Eric grab someone’s face and rip it off. Andy asking Jessica to borrow a ring so that he could propose to Holly was sweet, and it’s nice to see something working out, even if it seems too optimistic a resolution. Lettie Mae’s initial toast was actually quite strong, and it’s just a shame she had to go and try to get Willa’s blood for her undead daughter. I love that Jason’s romance was actually becoming real, and I’m very worried about what’s going to happen now that he made the mistake of sleeping with Jessica, who was pretty damn pissed when she found Jason having sex with Lafayette (what a soap opera this show can be). The flashbacks to the Civil War were very effective, a tragic lead-up to the revelation that Bill is infected. So much for happy endings on this show.

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