Saturday, August 16, 2014

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Guest Actress in a Comedy Series

Nominees are pictured and listed in alphabetical order. Submitted episode titles are in parentheses. Beware of minor spoilers for listed episodes.

Uzo Aduba as Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren, Orange is the New Black (Lesbian Request Denied)
This is a great nomination, and Aduba easily has the showiest role of the three actresses from her show in this category. In her submitted episode, the show’s third, she is in full-on crazy mode, thinking that she and Piper are girlfriends and urinating on Piper’s floor. Aduba is an unknown actress but this role is undeniably fantastic, so I think she could well win this.

Laverne Cox as Sophia Burset, Orange is the New Black (Lesbian Request Denied)
Cox’s nomination is monumental since she’s the first openly transgender person to be recognized for acting, but it’s worth pointing out that her performance is actually quite good and deserves recognition on its own merit. In her submitted episode, the show’s third, flashbacks to how she got to prison, which involve her gender reassignment, effectively turn her into a very endearing character. Her performance is quieter than costar Aduba in the same episode, which may affect some votes.

Joan Cusack as Sheila Jackson, Shameless (Liver, I Hardly Knew Her)
I guess it’s no surprise that Cusack, who was nominated three years in a row as a “guest” on a “drama series,” would survive the show’s official switch from drama to comedy. Truth be told, Cusack is actually a better fit in this race than in the corresponding drama one, as evidenced by her dedicated, frenzied performance as Sheila, who in her submitted episode tries to save Frank with a black market liver transplant and then stages a last-minute wedding. She’s in good company with other crazy ladies, so I’m not sure she’ll stand out in this bunch.

Tina Fey as Various Characters, Saturday Night Live (Host: Tina Fey)
Fey has been nominated three times before for returning to her alma mater to host, and won back in 2009. Fey, who is extremely at home and at ease when she’s in front of the crowd on stage, starts off by talking about her least popular characters, and it’s refreshing to see that there’s not even a mention of Sarah Palin, demonstrating her ability to keep up with the times and energy to be newly creative. She could easily win again.

Natasha Lyonne as Nicky Nichols, Orange is the New Black (WAC Pack)
I’m very glad to see Lyonne here, recognized with her first-ever Emmy nomination. Though I consider her to be a supporting cast member, I guess Emmy voters see her as a guest. Her submitted episode, the show’s sixth, features flashbacks to her drug addict past, which, while effective, don’t paint as much of a picture of the affable, promiscuous character she usually is. I can’t imagine her getting votes over her costars in this category.

Melissa McCarthy as Various Characters, Saturday Night Live (Host: Melissa McCarthy)
McCarthy is on her third nominations both in this category and in the lead actress race for “Mike and Molly.” She’s relatively entertaining hosting for the third time, but each of her characters is pretty much a deviation of the same mold: very loud, physical, and violently-inclined. It doesn’t suggest much effort or range on her part, so I don’t see voters being impressed enough to give her an Emmy.

Who should win (based on entire season): N/A
Who should win (based on individual episodes): Aduba
Who will win: I’m going with Aduba, though it could easily be Fey or Cusack too.

Next up: Best Directing for a Drama Series

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