Friday, August 15, 2014

Pilot Review: Legends

Legends (TNT)
Premiered August 13 at 9pm

I’m sure at one point the idea of an undercover agent who could easily assume any identity was novel. But at this point there have been far too many shows about supposedly unique operatives with exceptional abilities for this concept to be considered fresh. I think many were and are excited by the prospect of Sean Bean, who heroically anchored the first season of “Game of Thrones,” returning to television. Yet there’s something about his character that feels hopelessly recycled, and his convincing stutter just doesn’t convey the sense that he’s a true chameleon who could convince anyone that he was someone entirely fictitious. He expresses a certain smugness when he shifts back into his natural British accent that makes it all but guaranteed that he can be the anti-hero he needs to be, just likeable enough to be a good guy but far from endearing otherwise. As usual, there’s a love interest mixed in there to complicate the work situation, though Ali Larter’s unfortunately-named Crystal McGuire does show up to save the day pretty handily, even though she fell for the “make it look real for the camera” routine. This is a deep-seated conspiracy series, with Martin now searching for answers about the death of his coworker and his own personal Deep Throat. There isn’t much about this show that stands out as original, and so unless you’re a spy show junkie, I’m not sure what this show has to offer in the way of flashy newness or unique appeal.

How will it work as a series? Martin will work with his team to take down episodic villains while all the while pursuing the truth behind his own lost identity. Other spy shows have it before, so it shouldn’t prove too challenging. Whether it’s watchable television is another question altogether.
How long will it last? The show was launched early in a few formats, and so the numbers didn’t exactly represent the “BOOM” that TNT has been going for with some of its recent programming. This show may pick up steam, and I think TNT will want to stick with it.

Pilot grade: C

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