Monday, August 18, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Killing

The Killing: Season 4, Episode 3 “The Good Soldier” (B)

This was this season’s most solid episode so far, not that it says much. As usual, we didn’t really get any closer to the truth, but rather managed to rule out a few potential suspects, namely Kyle and that. Linden had a truly sterling police moment, grabbing Kyle and forcing him to march through his house and painfully re-experience the murder of his entire family, and I’m not sure what it got her was merited by her means. Fortunately, Margaret is developing a major soft spot for her orphan pupil, inviting him after hours for dinner, piano playing, and dessert. It’s interesting to learn that she lost someone and that’s why she’s sympathetic to his situation despite her generally steely nature. It’s understandable that Caroline would be concerned about Holder since his head just isn’t in the right place, but I wasn’t prepared for his complete meltdown. I enjoyed hearing him talk about natural birth and reminding of his hippie nature, but his sister wasn’t taking any of it lightly. Swearing at his nephew and then relapsing and doing drugs were very unfortunate consequences, and it’s going to be tough for him to bounce back. Nothing is looking too good right now, which is just about right for this show, which is sometimes compelling based on the drama and sheer miserable nature and attitude of everyone within its universe. Carl was way too close to finding out the truth and Linden got him off the scent, but she threw away the longevity of that when she threw the phone in the water, which wasn’t a very forward-thinking play.

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