Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Last Ship

The Last Ship: Season 1, Episode 7 “SOS” (C+)

I told myself that I was going to stop watching this episode midway through if it wasn’t enthralling. It feels like a waste to give up on a show so close to the end of its season, but I do feel fully confident that I won’t be picking it up again next year. This episode did proceed forward in two major areas, one of which is a cure – which may be found and utilized, but will likely change the framework of the show since it will be in high demand to help create a new world order, which could prove to be a very interesting plotline – and one of which was the Russians rearing their ugly heads again. Tom was admittedly a bit dramatic, and Tex too much of the contradictory comic relief, in his adamant refusal to be rescued. That said, his command not to be saved actually revealed his location and put his men at risk. The way in which his rescue was revealed was somewhat well-done, particularly because of how much the joy in Tex’s face and his own reaction was contrasted so much by the disgust he wore and the dread the audience was prompted to feel when it was clear that it was actually the Russians who pulled him out of the water. I’d still prefer that there were larger operations at work about government structure and not just a modern-day cold war going on at sea with two minimal players, and it would be nice to see the show shift towards that going forward.

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