Thursday, August 21, 2014

What I’m Watching: Masters of Sex

Masters of Sex: Season 2, Episode 6 “Blackbird” (C-)

This show is rapidly decreasing in quality, to the point that I’m considering giving up on this once-great show since it’s become simply unrecognizable. For Bill to ruin yet another top gig at a hospital where he was so warmly welcomed just a few weeks (and more importantly, episodes) ago is preposterous, and he can’t be such an innovative sex pioneer while he’s incapable of reading situations around him and not constantly getting into hot water. Courtney B. Vance’s Dr. Hendricks was more than a bit antagonistic, but Renée Elise Goldsberry’s Morgan Hogue was just trying to write her story and stay true to the facts as Bill tried to suppress her story and intimidate her editor. Bill’s emotional reaction to meeting Virginia’s “beau” was overwrought, and he really should try spending time with the woman he’s actually married to instead of obsessing over Virginia. Libby has become a caricature, stalking the nanny who she makes rules for in terms of who she can spend time with. The revelation that her “rough” boyfriend is actually her brother is puzzling at best, since that was the one element of this poor plotline that actually made sense. Virginia’s commitment to Lilian was admirable even though it was clear that Lilian wanted to give up, and she didn’t spare Virginia any heartache by going out like she did after their all too predictable kiss. Speaking of such moves, it didn’t take long for Gene to figure out that Betty and Helen were sleeping together thanks to the genius of Al, and that plotline managed to implode just as incredibly as Bill and Virginia’s did last season.

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