Saturday, August 30, 2014

What I’m Watching: Tyrant (Season Finale)

Tyrant: Season 1, Episode 10 “Gone Fishing” (C+)

This finale was definitely a tense one, but I’m not entirely convinced by the way everything played out and certainly not reassured by what might come next in the second season for which the show has yet to be renewed. As Bassam grew more irritable and frantic, Jamal actually calmed down, enjoying a day out at sea with his brother and seeming like he genuinely wanted to sail off and abandon his country and his every responsibility. Bassam’s overconfident preemptive apology for arrested his brother was in fact premature, and it seems that everyone in the State Department was far too certain of what proved to be a failure in turning Jamal against Tariq. Now, Bassam has gone from mere adviser to political prisoner who will apparently face execution – that’s where the notion of a second season doesn’t become apparent since that doesn’t seem like a meaty enough premise which would be hopelessly drawn out. Just as worrisome is that petty theft was responsible for stranding the entire Al-Fayeed family in the country, confined to the embassy, which I think is somewhat less exciting that an actual move by Jamal and Tariq would have been. Either way, things are not looking good for everyone involved, and I’m iffy on whether I’d return for a second season. This show was better than I expected, but I’m not sure I thought it had much potential to start off with, so that’s not saying too much. I’d still like to nominate Ashraf Barhom as the cast’s strongest member, doing a great job of playing a very exaggerated character.

Season grade: B-
Season MVP: Ashraf Barhom as Jamal

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