Saturday, August 9, 2014

What I’m Watching: Tyrant

Tyrant: Season 1, Episode 7 “Preventative Medicine” (B-)

I had considered dropping this show like I’ve decided to do with both “The Strain” and “Extant,” but I feel like I’m invested enough in it already that I should stick with it through the end of the season, at which point I don’t expect to pick it up again if it does in fact return for a second season. This episode shifted focus from what I had expected, with Jamal being considerably more forthright with Bassam about the fact that the Sheikh needed to not wake up than he has been about other things in the past. Bassam telling his brother that he was broken was harsh, but what was more impactful was his mother cuing him into the fact that Tariq was actually responsible for the actions allegedly executed by the Sheikh and by Bassam’s father. This evidently shattered Bassam’s worldview, and I can’t imagine what he’s trying to accomplish by seeking out the family of the man he killed when he was a kid, since Jamal really does have a point about how revealing misdeeds won’t help anyone. Jamal was all about the Maldives in this hour, first asking his wife who encouraged him to try to gain more power and then trying to get Katrina to come with him. It seems that seven people isn’t enough for Jamal, and he’s just going to keep killing all those around him. Now Bassam is going to try to unseat Jamal, and something tells me he’ll end up winning the presidential election. The arrival of Molly’s sister seems to be very poorly-timed, especially considering her own description of her recent track record.

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