Sunday, August 10, 2014

What I’m Watching: Wilfred

Wilfred: Season 4, Episode 8 “Courage” (B+)

It’s a whole new world with Wilfred missing one of his limbs, though it’s not actually a negative change. The sight of both Jenna and Ryan having to pick him up and physically carry him up the stairs suggests a sustained hardship, but Wilfred’s excitement about being a three-legged dog makes it seem like maybe it’s not so bad. What’s much more crucial is the way that he managed to overcome it, particularly because it looks so visually ridiculous to see him walking fine and then carried by a person smaller than him, but just as much because it represents him actually putting effort into doing something achievable that initially seems impossible. The news that he has lung cancer is big, but I think that might finally provide some closure for Ryan if Wilfred is actually going to be gone, especially if he can finish everything off his bucket list. Bear getting ripped to shreds by the cat after Wilfred relinquished his connection was fitting in a less positive way since that was always a very one-sided conversation. Most positively, Ryan finally managed to get close to Jenna, trying hard to turn her away and then incurring her wrath when he didn’t tell her about the test results. Ultimately, they did sleep together, and it’s nice to see what a healthy relationship actually looks like. The question is, if “god” Wilfred has managed to unite Ryan and Jenna so that they can be happy when he’s gone, will Ryan be able to carry on if Wilfred isn’t around anymore? Since this was a less heavy installment than many recent episodes, it’s worth pointing out two of the half-hour’s best quick moments: Ryan having to hold Wilfred’s bong for him and Wilfred claiming to have used the lung cancer excuse to get out of going to Bear’s family for the High Holidays.

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