Monday, August 11, 2014

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 1, Episode 4 “What Normal People Do” (B+)

This episode was pretty ridiculous, but I enjoyed it a whole lot. Jimmy wearing Edgar’s military uniform to brunch in order to get a discount was pretty funny, and I like that Gretchen’s only objection was that he didn’t wake her up to go to breakfast. Jimmy’s main purpose is to point out how things should be, while Gretchen questions each one of them. Admittedly, Gretchen’s apartment was awful in an over-the-top way, but that proved effectively entertaining. The argument over who wants who to leave was fun, and it’s always such a competition for who can be the slightly better person, or rather who’s just a little bit worse than the other. As we see more and more of Sam, it turns out that he’s just as bad a person as Gretchen in some ways, and he always gives Gretchen great preposterous things to respond to in their conversations. Their back-and-forths are terrific, and Gretchen really is the perfect person to be working with Sam and his unique outlook on life. I liked Lindsay’s brief interaction with his number twos and their thoughts on her wiring her jaw shut. What was even more enjoyable was her scene with Edgar, since they’re both supporting characters who could use love lives of their own. It was more effective in my mind than the predicable plotline related to the actors using him and his deathly boring war stories as research for their war roles, which took a little long to play itself out.

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