Thursday, October 16, 2014

What I’m Watching: Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire: Season 5, Episode 6 “Devil You Know” (B)

It’s always difficult to draw the line between unfortunate but dramatically worthwhile things happening to characters and regrettable plot choices that could easily have been avoided. I’m having a tough time seeing these characters go out on these terms, mainly because I feel like the show was much more inviting and enthralling back in the 1920s. That said, I can understand that this isn’t meant to be glamorous, as previewed by a shot of Nucky with a bloody cheek and the tagline “No one goes quietly” on the poster for this season. This episode had two major deaths, both of which were somewhat fitting but not necessarily at the hands I might have expected. After George and Eli got caught red-handed by Al’s guys only moments into their attempted betrayal, Nelson Van Alden had one last opportunity for a fiery speech, which got interrupted towards its likely conclusion by a deadly gunshot to the eye. I suppose it makes sense that his death would be quick and unceremonious, giving the man whose career ended in disgrace a decade earlier and whose wife hates him a moment of solitary glory before he’s gone and forgotten for good. Eli seems to have been spared that fate, and I’m curious to see if he aligns himself with his brother’s army once again. Chalky got the chance to see his family again and to meet face-to-face with Narcisse, confident that he was sparing them and allowing himself a dignified death by firing squad to close out the episode. After reciting tongue twister after tongue twister and debasing himself in a bar, Nucky seems to be back on track and ready to face his foes thanks to none other than the shocking rallying force that is Mickey Doyle.

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