Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 6, Episode 2 “Trust Issues” (C+)

I’m saddened to see this show continue its downward trend, and I’m not sure it’s possible for it to bounce back anymore because of how deeply it’s embroiled in its current plotlines. Cary stayed in jail way too long, and I really don’t see Finn having the temperament to pursue this particular case. As a character, Lemond Bishop is becoming less and less compelling, since he’s always so calm and collected but has no trouble offing a henchman he thinks is no longer loyal. This isn’t what this show should be about, and there isn’t much time for lawyers to be lawyers when they’re either in prison or being pushed to run for state’s attorney. Eli’s campaign to unsubtly convince Alicia to run is going enormously poorly, and it’s more of an irritation than anything else since it’s obviously the worst time in her life for her to consider such a decision. Peter wasn’t exactly kind when he told her he wouldn’t sign the papers for the second mortgage needed to bail Cary out, and their relationship has returned to something sour. Diane’s exodus to Florrick-Agos isn’t exactly going swiftly, but she did bring something unexpected with her, and that’s Taye Diggs’ Dean Levine-Wilkins, who was not impressed with the comically disorganized offices of the firm at first and may be coming around to it. Let’s hope he’s a positive addition and can help start to steer this show back in the right direction to what make it great in the first place.

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