Thursday, October 16, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 6, Episode 4 “Oppo Research” (C+)

Well, Alicia is officially running, and her campaign is taking over the show in a way that even makes it hard to remember that Cary is fighting for his freedom since he barely even factors into the episode. Instead, enter Steven Pasquale, best known for his role as dimwitted firefighter Sean on “Rescue Me,” as a far more intelligent campaign manager coaxed by Eli to meet with Alicia and just as resistant to the process as she is. Not being impressed with her at the outset didn’t stop him from endorsing her wholeheartedly, and now it seems that they’ve gotten over that initial hurdle, and Alicia has to deal with the many skeletons that she has in all facets of her life. The most poignant among them was Alicia finding out about Zack lying to her about the abortion, betrayed by his lack of honesty and then ultimately forceful with him in a way that doesn’t really suit her, determined not to let it get in the way of her candidacy. Finn has also undergone a dramatic character transformation, so soft-spoken and do-gooder last season and now an old buddy of Alicia who can go against her in court and then still interact pleasantly when he finds out she’s running. Veronica’s citizen parenting was entertaining if a bit overdramatic, while Alicia managed to offend Owen by asking him if he’s careful with his married Palestinian lover. And, as he tends to do, Peter gave Eli another heart attack by clarifying that he wasn’t having an affair with his intern but possibly with her mother. Let’s see if the next episode gets back to all the lawyering that used to be featured on this show.

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