Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 6, Episode 6 “Old Spice” (C)

This episode was all about rehashing old plotlines that feel like they’re being done to death, and coming up with others that don’t feel right at all. Cary’s bail situation has been one cosmic joke after another, and now he’s facing his last warning because he went to a party half a mile over the border into Indiana. You’d think that he’d be sensible enough to pay attention to such things, but I guess this show is set on making a character that’s transformed completely from a jerk to one of its most endearing players suffer for his past crimes. And he even got Kalinda, someone who usually likes to stay in the shadows, dragged into the limelight and banished from his life. This is the umpteenth time that Howard Lyman has been manipulated so that his inexplicably important stature can help swing things to one side, and it’s hard to find it believable anymore. Diane went from having to hand over her hold on the lease to her old firm to having no chance at evicting her tenants to suddenly getting them out in just twenty-four hours. Moving back into comfortable office space won’t do much for the fledging firm, but it should at least give them a literal roof over their heads under which to impress new prospective business. I’m not sure how to address the singular peculiarity that is Elsbeth and Josh’s relationship since both of them are so ridiculously weird. I’d rather have left it at their night spent together and not delved into yet another opportunity for Josh to find himself duped by someone who was wearing recording equipment that captured someone admitting to an illegal act.

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