Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What I’m Watching: Homeland

Homeland: Season 4, Episode 5 “About a Boy” (B+)

As if Carrie’s actions at the end of last episode weren’t impulsive and shocking enough, now she’s spending all of her time with Aayan and not answering her phone, which led to not one but two serious missteps including an abducted Saul. At least she managed to get Aayan to trust her fully, admitting that his uncle isn’t actually alive and expressing a deep connection to the one family member he has left. She’s going to have her plate full with Quinn pissed off and a vengeful American uncovering some of her most dangerous secrets. Dennis is ready to do some major damage after breaking into Carrie’s apartment and taking pictures of her baby photo and her prescriptions, and she’s going to have more to worry about than being beaten to death by an angry mob since we know that the intelligence is going straight to Tasneem. This whole terrorist organization is formidably small, since Tasneem was also directly responsible for the orchestration of Saul’s abduction, which came right in the middle of his frantic pursuit of Farhad, whose visibility was too good to be true. He’s a main character on the show, and while that didn’t save Brody, I think that Saul is both considerably more valuable as an intelligence asset and not nearly as controversial, so he’s just going to be one of the many ways that Tasneem is going to try to force Carrie’s hand for whatever the next step of ISI’s plans in Pakistan turn out to be.

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