Friday, October 3, 2014

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 4, Episode 3 “Julie Beckman’s Older Sister” (C+)

Some colleagues at my work regularly discuss just how terrible this show has become and how they couldn’t hope to want to watch it again. I don’t feel that way, but there are times that I’m disappointed by this show’s lack of consistency and its tendency to throw in plots that seem far from fully hatched. This episode was all about the theoretically funny while in truth it was pretty sparing on the laughs. Casting Jamie Lee Curtis and Rob Reiner as Jess’ parents was a boon for the show, but this wasn’t the best use of Reiner. Kaitlin Olson, familiar to most viewers from her role on the long-running “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” was a perfect choice to play his new girlfriend and now fiancée, who happens to have gone to high school with Jess and Cece. The problem is that plotline just isn’t believable, and it’s hard to believe both that she has no ulterior motive and that he isn’t actually aware of the fact that both her age and her openness about her sex addiction are not normal things. I guess we’re stuck with her now, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though it could lead down a regrettable road. Schmidt trying to sell sponges as something men like was quite ridiculous, and the only worthwhile part was that he and Nick got to bond over the fact that they actually came up with a half-decent idea that managed to impress Schmidt’s boss and result in a fully preposterous commercial.

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