Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 6, Episode 2 “Happy Birthday, Zeek” (B+)

This episode had some important dramatic moments, but I actually enjoyed its comedic ones just as much. Crosby in particular was a source for humor in this hour, having fun recording the kids and giving Adam a hard time for not telling him anything about Zeek. The other great source of entertainment was Adam’s solution to the loss of Kristina’s chef, which was best described by Max not as an arts elective but as slave labor. It’s good to see Adam and Kristina working together to keep the school afloat, even if it’s taking Adam away from his Luncheonette responsibilities. The most startling news of the episode was the teacher’s report about Sydney, which suggests that she’s the number one bully at school. Her response to being questioned by her parents was especially poor, and at least Julia and Joel seem to be on the same page about how to deal with it, the details of their public nature of their separation notwithstanding. Sarah’s reaction to Amber’s bombshell news wasn’t terrific, but that made Zeek’s warm reception all the more impactful. It also came at just the right time as Zeek was being overwhelmed with pressure to do the open heart surgery, which it now looks like he’ll do of his own volition. Let’s just hope it goes well – this show doesn’t need any more heartbreak after everything that happened with Kristina, and could use a few wins. In many ways, this show does feel like it’s in the home stretch, but in this case it’s only a positive thing.

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