Sunday, October 19, 2014

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 4, Episode 4 “Brotherhood” (B+)

I wasn’t initially too excited about the plot of this episode, particularly when it looked like Reese was going to play hopscotch with a few attitude-heavy schoolyard girls to get information. But it managed to surprise me with a few well-timed twists and a reminder that this show can make just about anything work in its universe. What Malcolm and Tracie represent is those unaware of the dangers of the world they are living in, just the real world and not even factoring in Samaritan, but are motivated by the desire to do the right thing. That sentiment managed even to impress Dominic, who seems like he’ll be leaving the two kids alone for the moment. Agent Lennox’s duplicity was obvious from the start, particularly because she kept talking about some unseen partner, but the way in which it was confirmed was great, as Reese heard the cell phone belonging to Dominic ringing in Tracie’s hand. Her fate was not a good one, though she didn’t deserve much after betraying both the DEA and Dominic. The best surprise of all was that seeming comic relief Mini, who bore the brunt of Shaw’s frustrations over the course of the episode, is in fact Dominic. I’m sure he’ll be back soon, and thanks to Finch’s meeting with Elias, hopefully our good guys have an unexpected ally who can keep them one step ahead of Dominic and ensure that they won’t be killed and tossed out of a moving car as finitely and unceremoniously as Agent Lennox.

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