Sunday, October 5, 2014

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 7, Episode 4 “Poor Little Lambs” (B+)

I’ve always addressed just how violent this show is, but I feel like its content is transforming in an extremely disturbing way that even the school shooting that kicked off season six. It’s hard to watch such a devastating loss of innocent human life as more and more people get caught in the crossfire based on a lie told by Gemma to egg Jax and SAMCRO on to getting revenge on the Chinese. Colette knew that something was up when she heard the fatal phone call to Nero, but that couldn’t save her and everyone around her from being massacred to send a message to SAMCRO. Though it wasn’t intentional, the execution of two police officers is equally disturbing, particularly because of just how shocking and horrifying that first shot was, immediately ending the life of one cop before the second was shot only moments later. I’m still very compelled by the story, but it’s not easy to watch this show. It’s fascinating to see how quickly the new sheriff and Chibs have created such a seemingly genuine connection, and you have to hand it to Sheriff Jarry for having a truly terrible first few days, highlighted by the detonation of a grenade just a few feet away from her. Tig got some comfort from Venus, a great recurring character only this show could have and a perfect fit for Tig, who has never been too subtle about his particular predilections. Juice can’t be long for this world, but I think everyone else in Charming has plenty of other things to think about the moment, and he might just be able to slip away if he actually wanted to disappear.

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