Friday, October 31, 2014

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 7, Episode 8 “The Separation of Crows” (B+)

This episode actually contained the least amount of violence we’ve seen in a while, a few finger amputations notwithstanding, and by my count just one death over the course of the hour. What’s much more disconcerting for the long run is that Jax is starting to lose his own people, with his most faithful friend and ally Chibs beginning to question where the violence ends and who else has to die because of what has spiraled out of control in the wake of Tara’s death. Tyler is getting squeamish too, and he may realize that, when pinned into a corner by Marks, he’s the safer ally since SAMCRO will always have enemies ready to hurt its members. That apparently extends to their families also, and the discovery of the dead crows in the bed and the “No son is safe” message on Abel’s wall was definitely unsettling and extremely worrisome. Nero is ready to get out, a sure sign that he won’t survive what’s coming. Gemma’s latest interaction with Courtney Love’s Ms. Harrison was far from ideal, and it’s clear that she doesn’t think that anyone, particularly a lowly school administrator, deserves her respect. Unser saw through the club’s plan for Juice pretty quickly, and I’m curious to see how he and Althea decide to handle it since there’s no way things end well for Juice if he isn’t able to complete the mission assigned to him by an already on-edge and angry group of men currently fighting for their lives.

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