Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What I’m Watching: Transparent

Transparent: Season 1, Episode 5 “Wedge” (B+)

This was a fun episode because it gave us some serious bonding time for the siblings as Ali executed a desperate search for the missing Ed. That Sarah and Josh only wanted to drink Bloody Marys while Ali was maligning the state of the world was entertaining and helped to flesh out just who these people are. Josh had a successful romantic episode by sleeping with a real estate agent who could help sell his father’s house, while Sarah is in better shape with Tammy, who is now more focused on her and only somewhat pulled back by her former life with Barb. I liked Josh and Tammy’s interaction, which was entirely hostile and rude from both sides, since putting together two characters who rarely share the screen is one of my favorite things on TV. Maura’s experience in this episode was almost more difficult than being viciously ostracized in a bathroom since Gary couldn’t help from laughing looking at her, but she handled herself with dignity and grace, which is a positive thing considering the way that Josh and Shelly took the news of Mort’s current public state. Ed walking in with a caricature at the end of the episode was a great finale, and I do hope that him being back means that we’ll stick get to see more of Rabbi Raquel. I’m thrilled with the casting of Kathryn Hahn, who starred in series creator Jill Soloway’s feature film debut “Afternoon Delight,” as Rabbi Raquel, and since she didn’t have much to do in this episode, I’m eager to see her featured in subsequent installments.

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