Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Golden Globe Musings: Best Actor in a Limited Series or TV Movie

Golden Globe nominations for this year will be announced soon, so here’s a survey of the contenders and the most likely predictions at this time. Weigh in with your thoughts, and let me know if I’ve left off anyone important. A reminder that last year’s nominees mean zilch at the Globes and that the race is almost entirely unpredictable.

Last year’s nominees:
Michael Douglas (Behind the Candelabra)
Matt Damon (Behind the Candelabra)
Chiwetel Ejiofor (Dancing on the Edge)
Idris Elba (Luther)
Al Pacino (Phil Spector)

I wouldn’t usually predict this category, but I feel like, for once, I’ve actually seen most of the probable nominees. That’s because they’re primarily from two projects, though Emmy nominations in different races won’t necessarily translate to all four being recognized here: Matthew McConaughey (True Detective) and Woody Harrelson (True Detective), removed from the more competitive drama series categories, and Billy Bob Thornton (Fargo) and Martin Freeman (Fargo). The likeliest to join them are Mark Ruffalo (The Normal Heart) or Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock: His Last Vow), and that’s not even considering contenders from the second half of the year.

Current predictions:
Martin Freeman (Fargo)
Woody Harrelson (True Detective)
Matthew McConaughey (True Detective)
Mark Ruffalo (The Normal Heart)
Billy Bob Thornton (Fargo)

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