Thursday, November 27, 2014

What I’m Watching: Hell on Wheels (Season Finale)

Hell on Wheels: Season 4, Episode 13 “Further West” (B)

Now, this was definitely a finale, but it’s one that scatters its characters all over the place with little hope of things being sorted out even by a few episodes into next season, which has already been announced as this show’s last (split over two years, of course). As expected, Ruth’s death was completely forgotten in this hour, not alluded to in the “previously on” segment and not cited by any of the residents of Cheyenne as the reason for the transformational decisions they make. Cullen managed to cut himself loose and go searching for his family, which proved unsuccessful and resulted only in him being there for a less than heartwarming passing of someone with whom he shared a mutual lack of affection. It didn’t take long for him to find himself back on the railroad, and I think that having him in California should present plenty of new opportunities for the future. The Mormon construction project made a comeback as we saw Brigham and the Swede for the first time in a while, competing against religious discrimination in their enterprise. Back in Cheyenne, Campbell managed to make his position permanent as he dispersed the negative elements in the town. Attempting to buy off Louise didn’t work well, though expelling Mickey and his cousin seems to have done the trick. Eva going with them as a partner in Mickey’s operation is a great resolution, and let’s hope that they get into less trouble wherever they end up next. Durant and Campbell literally rolling in the mud as others looked on was quite a sight, and it seems like that provided a resolution fitting for both parties. It’s hard to know how the show’s final season is going to play out, but as long as it’s a bit more consistent than this year, I think I’ll be happy.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Anson Mount as Cullen

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