Monday, November 17, 2014

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 6, Episode 7 “Queer Eyes, Full Hearts” (B-)

This episode was better than many recent episodes since it didn’t try too hard on most fronts and actually offered compelling and half-believable plotlines. The only problem was that it wasn’t funny, which is a shame since it did seem to be a step in the right direction. We didn’t see Luke and Alex’s sleepless studying didn’t do much, but the rest of the Dunphy clan was being used quite well. It makes perfect sense that Andy would spend a lot of time freaking out about asking Phil to be his assistant, and I like that Haley managed to get her mother off her back by telling her that they were having sex, which of course led to disappointment for both parents when Andy announced that he had a girlfriend. Haley has already become a certain kind of character, and it’s best that she be put to use in a role like that of an assistant for a catty fashion designer, one who happens to be played by the great Michael Urie, whose big role on “Ugly Betty” found him playing an assistant in the fashion world. It’s good to hear Gloria speak up about something serious for once, and it’s sweet that Jay tried to learn Spanish so that he too can sound like an idiot. Cam being Cam and focusing only on himself for his gay coach profile wasn’t a surprise, but I liked that he went to the courtroom and then did his very best to inaccurately summarize Mitchell’s case to give him the recognition and publicity he deserved.

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