Friday, November 21, 2014

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 4, Episode 18 “Teachers” (B-)

I have to give this show a higher grade than usual since I did burst out laughing at one point and managed to sneak in a few more hearty chuckles over the course of the episode. The part that really made me laugh was Schmidt’s attempt at doing laundry, mainly because of the determination he expressed to pretend he was doing it right even though he was really just doing ridiculous things to the machine. Winston not understanding how to read a ruler was also relatively funny, and though it wasn’t hilarious, their men’s night spent drinking sangria in a tent was somewhat entertaining and made this bunch considerably more bearable than they have been in a while. Off at her teacher’s convention, Jess was extremely silly in her blatant attempts to ward off any contact with Ryan, and Coach didn’t end up being much help. I could skip all of the preamble involving Jess being forced to touch Ryan and to connect with him, but I’ll admit that it was satisfying to see them share a passionate kiss and to realize that this relationship is headed places that will likely cause Jess many overactive headaches. Coach’s drunken behavior only really served as a way to better showcase Ryan’s angelic nature in Jess’ eyes, but Damon Wayans Jr. does deserve credit for his ability to really dial up the eccentric craziness when he’s called upon to do so. This episode gives me hope that maybe this show might be able to produce some decent installments in the future.

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