Monday, November 24, 2014

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 6, Episode 9 “Lean In” (B+)

This episode was full of momentous moments, most of which were good. Unfortunately, the sole negative one may sour everything. Zeek continued to use Drew as his chauffeur for illicit, Camille-prohibited activities, and finding out that Drew told on him was damaging to their relationship. Camille’s reaction to Zeek’s uber-romantic plan was sweet, and that makes the end of this episode all the more heartbreaking, as Zeek’s health takes a turn for the worse, hopefully in a way that isn’t incapacitating or lethal. I’m never been a big fan of Mark, particularly because Jason Ritter is inconceivably the only actor from this show ever to be nominated for an Emmy, but I think he was used to good effect here, painting a picture for Sarah of where he is in his life and allow her to realize that she’s content with where she is with Hank. Dylan’s parents coming to the school was disastrous to say the least, and it’s great to see that Max managed to come up with a fitting and truthful apology that Dylan warmly accepted before horrifying her parents by calling Max by her chosen nickname for him. And that gets us to Joel and Julia, who seemed ready to be done for good after Julia stormed in with the divorce papers, but maybe that kiss finally did it. With only four episodes left, this show has the potential to pull at many heartstrings and it’s hard to know how happy an ending will actually be in store for viewers at home.

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