Sunday, November 23, 2014

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 4, Episode 8 “Point of Origin” (B+)

Who would have thought that Shaw would have gotten herself identified at her department store job in a scene quite as awesome as this episode’s final moments? As always, I appreciate this show’s ability to multitask, featuring a new episode-specific plotline that tied in to Reese getting to serve as a training officer, and connections to Elias, Dominic, and Samaritan thrown in along the way to tie everything together. It’s always interesting when this show throws the rare curveball of its number actually being the perpetrator, and in this case it was a false positive: Dani was taking pictures of her fellow trainees not because she was trying to take them out but because she was working to identify a traitor among them. Adria Arjona, who is slated to appear in the second season of “True Detective,” handed in a decent performance as the highly motivated Dani, who had trouble suppressing her strong police training, and I look forward to seeing her on HBO’s anthology crime drama. No Root in this episode was a shame, but I’m sure she’ll be back soon enough to help Shaw out of the comprising situation in which she’s found herself, easily identified by Martine thanks to her dogged pursuit and probably realizing that the rest of her underground, irrelevant friends are sure to be put back on the map soon too. We’re barely a third of the way through the season – I can’t even imagine where this consistently reliable show will take us over the course of the rest of its fourth year.

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