Monday, January 5, 2015

Golden Globe Winner Predictions: Best Limited Series or TV Movie

The competition: Fargo, The Missing, The Normal Heart, Olive Kitteridge, True Detective

For your information: Here we have not one but three “limited series,” all of which will return for a second season in some capacity, one true mini-series, and one TV movie. This is an extremely interesting category because it includes an entry that has been regarded by other organizations as a drama series – “True Detective” – and it also doesn’t have a clear frontrunner, since “Fargo” took home the Best Miniseries Emmy and “The Normal Heart” won Best TV Movie. “Fargo” has four actors nominated, “True Detective” has three, “Olive Kitteridge” and “The Normal Heart” each have two, and “The Missing” has one.

Who should win? I’ve only seen “Fargo” and “True Detective” – both great choices, though the former is my clear favorite.

Who will win? Let’s place all bets cautiously on Fargo.

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