Monday, January 26, 2015

What I’m Watching: The Flash

The Flash: Season 1, Episode 10 “Revenge of the Rogues” (B+)

This was a fun episode, mainly because it paired together the two former stars of FOX’s “Prison Break.” That they got broken out of their transport to prison at the end of the episode was just one of the many great moments highlighting Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell, both of whom are selectively good for specific performances. Purcell is great at playing a hothead, which he got to do both literally and figuratively here. His heat powers were the perfect complement to Captain Cool’s icy abilities, and I can’t wait to see what Snark’s sister can do aside from free them. Joe and Dr. Wells are acting like the angel and the devil on Barry’s shoulders, whispering in his ear to tell him what is more important for him to do at the moment. Trying to play the long game of figuring out how to defeat the Reverse Flash was probably the right thing to do until the villainous duo abducted Caitlin, though I am surprised that Robbie didn’t burst in to save the day and instead it was just Joe who was able to outrun a bomb, which does seem to be a bit convenient and tidy. I’m thrilled that Eddie stepped in to protect the Flash and has now realized that he is a good guy, since that’s an important aspect of recognition for Barry and also one less obstacle for him to have to deal with in his crime-fighting capacity. In the end, Iris did move in with Eddie, but at least she and Barry patched things up, and now Barry moved back in with Joe, which is going to make keeping up his alter ago relatively easy as long as Iris doesn’t drop by too often.

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