Friday, January 9, 2015

What I'm Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 4, Episode 12 “Shark” (B-)

This episode was unabashedly silly, but I enjoyed it more than I usually enjoy this show these days. Winston finally became a cop, and his friends did their part to embarrass him, first taking turns trying on his uniform and then Nick and Coach taking too active an interest in his being safe on the job. His training officer, played by Nasim Pedrad of “Saturday Night Live” and “Mulaney,” wasn’t about to stand for that, which turned out to be pretty entertaining, ultimately resulting in Nick and Coach being dropped off at a support group for family and friends of those in the line of duty. The other big guest star of the hour was Zoe Lister Jones, who I remember interviewing at a Starbucks five years ago about her role in “Breaking Upwards,” as the political operator who had a great time manipulating Schmidt to do her bidding. We’ve seen Schmidt in this kind of subservient role before, which is fun to a point, and the best part of his entanglement in this installment was that Cece managed to throw him off by making a comment about the length of his sleeves. Jess fighting the good fight for the people against nighttime construction was very typical on her part, and I like that Ryan got to be involved in everything, particularly his role in her stage performance and his passing out after romancing Jess because he had a bit of red wine. Jess deserves a boyfriend who gets into the things she gets into, and it looks like she’s found just that.

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