Thursday, January 15, 2015

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation (Season Premiere)

Parks and Recreation: Season 7, Episodes 1 and 2 “2017” and “Ron and Jammy” (B+)

It’s hard to believe that the final season of this show is hardly here, but honestly, is there really anything better on TV? I think not. It’s a shame that this season is going to be so unceremoniously marathoned over the course of just seven weeks, but the upside is that it’s a whole lot of Pawnee in a short amount of time, which can’t possibly be a bad thing. Jumping ahead three years at the end of last season was a big gamble, since there’s a certain point at which you can’t go back. That said, I think these two episodes were marvelously handled, checking in with our characters in a place where they’re still very recognizable but have been hardened by some defining experiences. Leslie preparing to see her most hated rival and it turning out to be Ron was great, since it makes sense that he would abandon his government post held so dear for far more libertarian endeavors. Helping Jamm in episode two was fun mainly because it allowed Leslie and Ron to work together while still standing on opposite sides of the aisle. This was actually Megan Mullally’s best appearance as Tammy to date. It stands to reason that Tom would have everything in his life but a person to share it with, and I was thrilled to see Natalie Morales’ Lucy presented as a viable option. The whirlwind trip to Chicago was romantic and amazing, but of course she has a boyfriend. If Tom can’t win her over, may I suggest Tatiana Maslany as the obvious second choice? I loved seeing April and Andy realize that they were old and boring and try to become more interesting. I didn’t recognize Werner Herzog in his hilarious deadpan role as the seller of the haunted house they decided to buy, and I enjoyed April tormenting Ben by bringing him on her exploration of a career as a mortician. This last season is going to be a blast, and my only fear is that it will fly by far too quickly.

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