Friday, February 13, 2015

What I’m Watching: Jane the Virgin

Jane the Virgin: Season 1, Episode 13 “Chapter Thirteen” (B+)

More than anything, this installment was sweet and sentimental. There were considerably more dramatic turns than usual, most notably the development that there might be something wrong with the baby. Seeing Jane so concerned and worried about whether she should do the test and how she would act once she knew was upsetting, but the sight of Rafael sleeping on the floor next to her bed and her entire extended family standing around her bed with her graduate cap on made it all okay. It’s nice to know that, whatever their issues, the extended Gloriana Garcia family is always there when any of its members need it. Rogelio sulking around the house and giving depressing life lessons to Xiomara’s dance class was certainly lamentable, and it’s great to see that he got the encouragement he needed to get his life back on track. Though filming a new telenovela in Mexico would mean him leaving, it may not be the worst thing for both him and Xiomara, since they could use some time to work on themselves individually. Petra getting booted by Lachlan wasn’t too surprising, but Milos arriving to tell her that he purchased a third of the hotel and is set to help her ascend the throne once again certainly makes everything more interesting. It didn’t take long for Michael and Nadine to realize that Rose was actually Sin Rostro (I love the Sin “Rose” Stro thing every time), and I assume she’ll elude authorities for a while. More puzzlingly, Rafael’s role in the whole mess with a mysteriously alive Roman Zazo makes it seem that maybe most of the Solano clan should be considered suspects.

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