Sunday, February 15, 2015

What I’m Watching: Justified

Justified: Season 6, Episode 4 “Trash and the Snake” (B+)

For all of the ability of many of this show’s characters to talk circles around any particular point, this show is enormously capable of being direct when it wants to be. The most startling moment of this episode was Ava opening up the door to her hotel room to find Catherine sitting inside, which began their day-long adventure highlighted by a mischievous jewel theft. The eerily calm and entertaining day took a sharp turn when Catherine casually mentioned the guard who hated Ava and then recanted his testimony, throwing her for a loop and causing her to text Raylan in a panic. It was a real treat to see two season two characters back, first a newly sugar-intolerant Dickie, who was a terrific verbal sparring partner for Raylan, much to Tim’s amusement, and then Loretta, who was bold enough to try to take Avery out with an apple pie when he and Tye paid her a visit. Raylan and Tim showing up to directly address what Avery and Tye were doing was very worthwhile, and I think that this new plot related to Kentucky’s theoretical future legalization of marijuana is incredibly interesting. While everyone else was together, we got to meet a new eccentric character with an ego just asking to be burst. I knew I recognized The Wiz, and it’s because he’s played by Jake Busey, who starred in “Identity” and is also the son of Gary Busey, which makes a lot of sense given the uncanny resemblance. Boyd may not have caused the fire in the hole that took him out, but that was a pretty legendary and explosive way for a character to go out.

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