Saturday, February 7, 2015

What I’m Watching: Justified

Justified: Season 6, Episode 3 “Noblesse Oblige” (B+)

This episode started out with a magical night for Boyd and Ava, who, drunk and together, seemed as happy as they had ever been. Unfortunately, things didn’t go so well for either of them over the course of the hour, as Boyd found himself kidnapped and threatened and Ava picked the wrong day to come in to work hung over. Vasquez and Rachel did not seem amused by her behavior, and she hasn’t exactly been forthcoming either, going straight from her meeting with the law to case the pizza place for Boyd. I recognized Raylan’s old mining buddy Luther, who was played by Brent Briscoe, who also recurs as J.J. of diner-owning fame on “Parks and Recreation.” Catching Tyler and Carl wearing masks and holding guns was just about the easiest thing Raylan has ever done, and it filled his weekly quota of getting to make criminals feel like they’re really dumb. Boyd is going up against something much more sinister and fearsome, ignoring Ty’s visit to his bar to warn him and then coming home to find Avery having a heart-to-heart with Ava. He’s a perfect villain for this show, not one to shy away from explicit threats but also capable of talking in circles to drum up true fear in whoever he sees as his enemy. Catherine is playing a dangerous game, sleeping with him and trying to rip him off, and even though Boyd is technically the target of Raylan’s RICO investigation, I think that there’s much more to this situation that’s going to play itself out over the rest of the season.

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