Friday, February 6, 2015

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 4, Episode 14 “Swuit” (D-)

Ooh, what a misstep. It’s been three weeks since this show aired, and this was not the installment to come back for. We were just getting used to Ryan and all the other significant others, and here we get a half-hour that features only Kai, who breaks up with Nick because, for once in his life, he’s too motivated and can’t take time to relax and do nothing. I’m not too big on Schnick Industries, which might have been fun in college but does nothing productive in the present. Their swuit idea was mildly amusing but quickly lost its entertainment value, and I don’t even know what to say about the bone with the camera. I was just defending this show to a coworker a few days ago, a repeat of a similar conversation with other coworkers, and it’s hard to argue in its favor when it turns out stuff like this. Cece needing a loan and having Winston and Coach swoop in to helicopter monitor her the same way Coach and Nick did to Winston is a useless plotline, and Jess really didn’t have anything at all going on during this episode. I’m not sure it’s that the writers have run out of things to feature or they’re just trying to fill twenty-two episodes, but this was a thoroughly unenticing and lamentable episode which should be immediately forgotten. This show is, or at least used to be, smarter than typical sitcom gimmicks, and it’s been spiraling at the lowest point of creativity recently.

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