Sunday, February 22, 2015

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 4, Episode 16 “Oregon” (C+)

I doubt I’m the only one who found it more than a bit disingenuous that Jess and Ryan’s relationship was ended with a voicemail after he turned into an uncommunicative absentee long-distance boyfriend so soon after asking Jess to move in with him. It doesn’t do justice to their romance and to the fact that they jumped through so many hoops to be able to be together, and I find it hard to believe that Ryan would let go of Jess so easily, though it’s very possible that he might show up to try to win her back since he theoretically hasn’t yet found out about the end of his relationship. It was sweet that her friends banded together to take the world’s longest and most specific tour of Portland ever, led by Nick who recently benefited from such supportive friendship after going through his own breakup. Cece turning into a blubbering mess around her firefighter crush wasn’t a terribly pretty sight, and it’s quite surprising that she opted to pass on going for it when Schmidt helped hook it up because she’s actually admitting that she’s in love with Schmidt. It’s a bit late for that, and let’s hope that she comes clean soon so that he can move on from his latest unhealthy relationship. Jess’ mom taking drugs and having the rings in her possession felt awfully forced, and the only part of the wedding that really did it for me was when Jess walked in to find her father dancing with his young bride, an unexpectedly touching moment in the midst of such chaos.

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