Friday, February 27, 2015

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation (Series Finale)

Parks and Recreation: Season 7, Episodes 12 and 13 “One Last Ride, Parts 1 and 2”

I’m going to miss this show. Fortunately, it went out on a high note, never dipping in quality and always delivering consistent and often incessant laughs. Jumping ahead in time was a risky gamble for this show’s final season, but I think it paid off, and fast-forwarding to the future even more with every fateful final touch Leslie had with each character was a truly touching way of sending this show off. I like that we even got to say goodbye to a minor character like Craig and Jean-Ralphio, who would be stupid enough to get caught faking his own death by showing up to his own funeral. And though their names were in the credits at the beginning of the episode, it was still a treat to see Rashida Jones and Rob Lowe back as Ann and Chris, content to stop by and say hi without stealing the show. Of the pieces of the future, I think that Jerry’s might have been the best, since it showed him getting elected time after time as mayor and dying on his 100th birthday happily surrounded by his family and an impossibly young-looking Gail. Ron’s fate was also heartwarming, as Leslie found him the perfect job after he realized that he didn’t want to do what we was doing anymore. It was fun to start with Donna since she’s always been a great part of the show, and I like that Tom chose personality types in his book named after his best friends. April giving birth in Halloween makeup was pretty terrific too. What’s not to like about this show? Will there ever be a character quite as universally enthusiastic and cheerful as Leslie Knope? I don’t think there could have been a more endearing and uplifting finale, particularly with Ben and Leslie being approached to run for Governor of Indiana at the same time. Ending on a note of triumph without going into too much detail was just wonderful. I always say I’m going to write retrospectives with best episodes listed and other honors after shows end, and I really mean it with this one – I’m nowhere near ready to forget about it just yet. Also, I should start playing Cones of Dunshire.

Series finale: A-
Series grade: A
Season MVP: Amy Poehler
Season grade: A
Series MVP: Amy Poehler
Best Season: TBD
Best Episode: TBD

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