Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 6, Episode 16 “Red Meat” (C+)

Sometimes, this show is just a bit too random for its own good. We’ve seen that Sarah Steele’s body woman Marissa is pretty much the counterpoint to the nonstop stress by campaign advisors Josh and Johnny, but it’s a stretch to think that she’d be so relaxed as to convince the candidate to play video games while waiting for the results of the election to come in. Finn joining in as a teammate was also far from believable, and I think some actual flirtation might be preferable to this. What was intense and resounding was Alicia’s spat with Peter, in which she finally spoke up and told him how what was on her mind. His response, to discourage voters from coming out because they were secure in the fact that she would win, was low, and I like that he managed to go back on it in the end by causing a traffic jam that prevented Prady’s supporters from coming out to vote for him. Her roadside meeting with Prady was interesting for the honesty and discord it presented, and I imagine this is now the last we’ll see of him. I’m especially displeased with the route of Kalinda’s character. If she’s leaving the show, it’s about time it happened, since her role as mostly mute babysitter just isn’t cutting it. I did enjoy Diane’s time spent among the conservatives, complete with a superb abortion debate with Oliver Platt’s mystery man who just happens to be looking for new legal representation.

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