Friday, March 20, 2015

What I’m Watching: House of Lies

House of Lies: Season 4, Episode 9 “We're Going to Build a Mothership and Rule the Universe” (B+)

When Marty doesn’t like someone, he’s not exactly shy about showing it. Steven Weber was a great choice to play Ron Zobel, the expert brought in to help do to Marty’s company what he does to other companies. Unfortunately for Marty, he realizes just how much of what he does is made up out of thin air, and therefore he was never going to take to Ron particularly well. Ron was right that Marty was too quick to dismiss everything he said as garbage, but of course pointing that out only egged Marty on even more. Forcing him to admit that he didn’t have any idea what he was talking about in the middle of a meeting with a client was a particularly embarrassing form of revenge, and it’s a good thing that Denna likes Marty and that it didn’t ruin everything. Jeannie also has a magic touch which also helped to soothe the relationship with the client. Jeannie trying to run from dinner was hard to watch, and it’s a relief to see Marty finally start acting like a human and acknowledge Jeannie. The scene with her passing plenty of gas was most worthwhile for the satisfied look on her face and the lack of shame she had for such an occurrence, coupled with Doug’s utter inability to respond to the situation. Clyde’s father really is driving him crazy, and his continued presence is only going to serve to make Clyde more on edge. Let’s hope he doesn’t mess things up in a big way, particularly with Kelsey.

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