Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 6, Episode 18 “Loser Edit” (B)

This episode was actually the best offering this show has aired in a while. I was impressed with its ability to rip a news story straight from the headlines, presenting a plotline about religious objection to gay marriage just as it’s becoming a big new story in Indiana. It was a great way to incorporate Reese, and Diane responded very well to being used for her perspective on a similar case by employing Reese’s nephew to pull at his heartstrings during the mock trial. I like the casting of Michael Zegen of “Rescue Me” and many other things as Reese’s younger conservative partner, and Tina Benko from “Brotherhood” and “Puccini for Beginners” as the wedding planner. Those e-mails that appeared to have been taken care of are definitely going to present a problem, and Eli did some masterful spin control with Peter’s help to set it up so that Petra looked like she was grasping at straws to try to attack Alicia. Unfortunately, being sidelined on that front encouraged Petra to go in a different direction, one related to voter fraud, something we know that operators of another Florrick campaign definitely engaged in. That’s a much less disconcerting development than the situation currently facing Kalinda, which went from practically nonexistent to completely irreversible over the course of the episode. Bringing this deleted e-mail business up again makes Kalinda working for Bishop completely unnecessary, and it’s just going to be another drawn-out skewering of another formerly beloved member of this top Chicago firm, this time with Finn as the defender rather than the prosecutor.

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