Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 7, Episode 9 “New Business” (B+)

This show is doing a mesmerizing job of tying up some of its loose ends and checking with in its more minor characters. We saw Betty, Henry, and Don’s younger kids only as they reaped the benefits of a wondrous homemade milkshake experience begun by Don before he had to leave. His budding but short-lived romance with Diana was well-timed with Megan’s return, which proved rather devastating and miserable for all involved. Don took a strong liking to Diana, and that alluring private relationship timed itself out pretty quickly as Diana realized that Don had hypnotized her into forgetting everything else about her life. Megan was cold and angry during her meeting with Don, in which he casually wrote her a check for one million dollars. Little did he know that Marie had decided to cart off all of his furniture as payment for his poor treatment of Megan, which incurred a surcharge that she naturally assigned over to Roger, who all too willingly showed up to do his part. It’s not as if there was even any juiciness when Megan walked in on her mother and Roger, rather just an anger and a sadness expressed with the utmost disapproval. Stan and Peggy being charmed by the same woman, played by the incomparable Mimi Rogers, was an entertaining subplot that gave us a much deeper view of Stan than we tend to get. The episode’s most amusing moment was definitely Pete’s horrified reaction to the news that Don would have to rent golf attire.

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