Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What I’m Watching: Orphan Black

Orphan Black: Season 3, Episode 2 “Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis” (B)

After last week’s big opener, this episode didn’t deliver on most of what we found out then, driving the plot forward only a little bit to demonstrate just what these male clones are capable of. Rudy emotionlessly shooting Seth when he saw that he was glitching is extremely important because it contradicts the care and compassion that Sarah and the other female clones have expressed for Cosima’s health, Helena’s freedom, and other clone clauses. There’s no debating that Cal is a good guy, and though an expensive apartment in the city was a nice thought, taking Kira far away from all this is probably the best plan. It’s hard to figure out where Paul truly stands at this point, coming over to see Rudy and Seth as a business transaction and then breaking into Cal’s place to threaten him. These experiments in which the clones are asked to weigh a conclusion based on two facts are intriguing, and nothing beats Helena asking where the mangoes are for more clarity on the subject. She doesn’t seem to believe that Sarah and the others have abandoned her, but she is being spoken to by a scorpion, so things aren’t all great there. I eagerly look forward to Allison becoming the number one drug-dealing soccer mom since Nancy Botwin, and I love that it’s how she plans to win her class trustee election. Let’s just hope Donnie doesn’t screw it all up by trying too hard to play it cool and seem hip.

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