Monday, April 6, 2015

What I’m Watching: The Red Road (Season Premiere)

The Red Road: Season 2, Episode 1 “Gifts” (B+)

I had all but forgotten about this show, which premiered on the Sundance Channel last year and aired just six episodes in its first season. I’m pleased to see that it is back again, and I like that it’s headed in a slightly different direction in its second season. Starting with the questioning by the police of Harold and Philip was great because it underlines the uncertain boundaries of good and evil on this show, as Harold and Philip are now united by their joint actions and the fact that they must keep them secret. The crucial difference is that Philip was under suspicion and Harold ended up getting a promotion out of it. It’s clear that Harold is having a tough time relaxing and acclimating to his new job, but he does deserve some credit for going with the flow and inviting his colleagues over for poker night and then agreeing immediately to the idea of going to haze the new guy. The comedy of Harold not having any clue how to play the type of poker his new buddies love and them knowing it was quickly replaced by the far more serious and disconcerting run-in with Mac as he emerged from the woods. The official recognition of the Lenape is an interesting plotline, and I’m intrigued to see where that will go. Jean continues to be an unpredictable and extremely compelling part of the show. I look forward to seeing where this season’s six-episode run will take us.

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