Thursday, May 28, 2015

What I’m Watching: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones: Season 5, Episode 7 “The Gift” (B+)

Though it’s not uncommon on this show, power is shifting drastically in more than a few places. Starting with something relatively insignificant, Sansa begged poor Theon to go give the signal to Brienne that she needed rescuing, and he ran straight to Ramsey to tell all to him. Ramsey and Joffrey aren’t all that different, and casually showing her the corpse of the ally who could have saved her was fitting for his particular brand of cruelty. Olenna going to see the High Sparrow and cavorting with him about not being able to kneel because of bad knees and hips was a falsely light reintroduction to Margaery’s imprisonment. Cersei’s trip to Margaery’s cell was full of spite, but just as soon as she thought that she had made her latest play and executed it successfully, a face from the past reemerged and the High Sparrow imprisoned another member of the royal family to face trial and certain conviction. I don’t see Tommen being strong enough to outwit the zealot, but maybe Olenna and Baelish will prove helpful once they realize just how much of a threat he is. Bronn’s cellbound flirtation nearly turned deadly for him, and it’s clear that his female neighbors mean serious business. Stannis said winter is coming, but it’s already here, and what a ferocious start with Sam standing up for Gilly to two would-be rapists from the Night’s Watch. Jorah made a formidable showing to Daenerys with a mask on, and it’s a good thing that Tyrion ran out and announced himself to the befuddled queen before he got carted off and locked away. I’m curious to see what this alliance could bring and if it could dramatically help all three parties.

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