Friday, May 1, 2015

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 4, Episode 21 “Panty Gate” (B)

I’m not entirely sure what to make of this episode. We haven’t seen much of May to understand just how much Coach cares about her, but it’s clear that he has come pretty far in a short time. I didn’t realize that I recognized actress Meaghan Rath from her role as deputy Aimee in the most recent season of “Banshee,” quite a different part from this one. May showing up and constantly eating crackers while crying to Jess and Cece was entertaining, and showing up at the bar while multiple women were all over Coach did not seem like a promising development. Fortunately, they got to a great place, and it looks like Coach may be moving to New York. I’d rather he left the show altogether when he relocated since I think it was working fine before he returned, and it would be better than trying to drag out another long distance relationship. Fawn providing Schmidt with a script from him to read that pinned full blame on him for making Fawn not wear underwear was hardly kind, but Schmidt didn’t seem to mind that too much. It was her casual suggestion that they get married and live a sufficient life together that caught him off guard, and it’s as if he just snapped right out of it at that very moment, realizing that this wasn’t the relationship for him. I won’t be sad to see her go since I think that Schmidt is better as a functional, intelligent human being. If only Cece hadn’t decided that this was the perfect time to go climb a mountain.

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