Thursday, May 7, 2015

What I’m Watching: Veep

Veep: Season 4, Episode 4 “Tehran” (B+)

This show has split up its characters into different places and positions, and it’s working extremely well. The combined zaniness of an incredibly overtired Selina, Ben, Mike, and Gary on Air Force One waiting around to pick up Leon West from his hotel detainment was certainly entertaining, and I love that Selina decided the best thing to do in order to prevent Leon from hopping aboard the press plane and telling everyone that he was kept longer because Selina’s trip in Israel was going so well was to take off immediately, stranding two of her top advisors in Tehran. Leave it to Mike and Gary to try to smuggle plenty of alcohol aboard the plane with them only to drop it all over the place while running through the airport. The Vice President having to read a speech written expressly for Selina to give was typical treatment of an office that used to be miserably held by Selina, and I enjoyed Kent’s nonchalant remark that it probably should have been altered slightly for him. Kent and Bill have an excellent rapport, and coupled with Sue, they’re a great emotionless team fit for service to Selina. While Jonah’s molestation comment wasn’t so funny, the situation of him confessing something to what he thought was just one person only to continually discover that it was many more was far more humorous. Amy and Dan interacting has always been one of the best parts of this show, and seeing them on different sides now is well worth the price of admission.

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