Saturday, June 6, 2015

What I’m Watching: iZombie

iZombie: Season 1, Episode 12 “Dead Rat Live Rat Brown Rat White Rat” (B+)

This episode was full of plot developments, and it’s definitely recognizable as the penultimate installment of a season, building up plenty of things set to explode in the season finale. It got off to a dark start with Sebastian crawling out of the ocean and promptly getting hit by a diverse group including cheerleaders, rockers, and stoners. Most prominent among them was Teresa, played by Bex Taylor-Klaus, who starred as Bullet in season three of “The Killing,” and who was the last of her friends standing but ended the episode desperately trying to make a phone call to save her life from an unknown assailant who is most definitely not Sebastian. I never would have imagined that Peyton would be the first one to discover Liv’s secret, and what an awful and unfortunate way for her to find out, seeing her go full zombie and kill Sebastian. The way she reacted – and disappeared – is going to destroy Liv, and she doesn’t even know how much trouble Major has gotten himself into after playing detective and posing as a health inspector or that her brother has just unsuspectingly applied for a job at Blaine’s butcher shop, which is sure to put him in danger as someone close to Liv. I do like seeing how all the characters are being developed more and more each episode, and it was a lot of fun to see Liv go from peppy cheerleader to unmotivated stoner over the course of the first half of the episode.

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