Thursday, June 18, 2015

What I’m Watching: Veep (Season Finale)

Veep: Season 4, Episode 10 “Election Night” (B+)

Ending the season with the election was a great idea, and I love that it’s not the solid, satisfying finish that any other comedy might deliver but instead an agonizing half-hour of back-and-forths that make it hard to latch onto any certainty in this world. The reporting of news within the Baltimore hotel room was pretty funny, and Mike was particularly incapable of delivering anything the way he should have, always giving those around him the wrong impression. Bill lamenting the fact that he’s going to prison and no one caring at all was exemplary of this show’s dark humor and lack of compassion, and I’m glad that he stuck around in this episode to crack melancholy jokes about his future. Jonah’s certainly ridden his troubles to success, and though he should never be allowed to emcee anything, he’s doing pretty well considering everything. It was nice to see Amy come back to be with the President during her big moment, and to see Sue realize that she might actually like her job too. Karen’s presence was hilariously useless, and when even Tom James thinks you have no purpose, you know something’s wrong. Having the election be a tie is infinitely better than its potential outcome, which is that an apparently unwitting James might actually become the president, which would drive Selina crazy. I’m eager to see how things play out, and watching Tom ask Selina to be his veep was priceless. A great season all around, and it’s a shame it always has to be so short!

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Hugh Laurie as Tom and Sam Richardson as Richard

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